toDAY’s SNAKE of the DAY (Fri. Oct. 19, 2012)
Most Commonly Used Name: Striped Amel
Mode of Genetic Inheritance: Recessive
Combining the two recessive gene mutations, Stripe and Amel result in a beautiful compound mutant with rich colors.
A comparison photograph of a Striped Amel corn and a Striped Amel Motley corn are shown below, so you can see the main distinction between stripes. In this image, you can see that the pattern schemes are essentially reversed. The Striped corn on the left has relatively little pattern zones (striping) relative to overall color and pattern, compared to the striped motley on the right that has very little ground color zone. The Striped Motley on the right essentially has a linear zone of ground coloration between conti
guous dorso–lateral striped markings. The width of ground color zone between the dorso-lateral pattern stripes is the basic way to distinguish between Striped corns and Striped Motley corns. BTW, Stripe and Motley are alleles of the same Chromosomal locus, but Motley is demonstrated as dominant over Stripe.