Ghost Tessera
Most Commonly Used Name: Ghost Tessera
Mode of Genetic Inheritance: Recessive
Morph Type: Double Mutation Compound (Anerythristic & Hypomelanistic) + Dominant Tessera
Author: admin
Het Scaleless 06-07-19g
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{product id=2237}
This 31″ female 2017 corn snake 100% HET for Scaleless, Hypo, Sunkissed, Amel, and Anery. Her milky appearance indicates that she is about to shed. She is eating frozen/thawed large fuzzy mice. $345.00 plus $39.00 flat-rate domestic to any of the lower-48 United States.
Red Factor Amel 06-06-19g
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{product id=2236}
This 28″ female 2017 Red Factor Amel is from the pairing of a Super Salmon Snow and an Amel, so, she is het for Anery (therefore, het Snow). She is eating frozen/thawed large fuzzy mice. $225.00 plus $39.00 flat-rate domestic to any of the lower-48 United States.
Amel 06-05-19g
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{product id=2235}
This 23″ female 2017 Amel is possibly het for Scaleless Charcoal. She is eating frozen/thawed large fuzzy mice. $135.00 plus $39.00 flat-rate domestic to any of the lower-48 United States.
Het 06-04-19g
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{product id=2234}
This 28″ female 2017 corn snake 100% HET for Stripe and Sunkissed, and is eating frozen/thawed fuzzy mice. $135.00 plus $39.00 flat-rate domestic to any of the lower-48 United States.
Het Scaleless 06-03-19g
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{product id=2233}
This 28″ male 2017 corn snake 100% HET for Scaleless, and is eating frozen/thawed large fuzzy mice. $265.00 plus $39.00 flat-rate domestic to any of the lower-48 United States.
Pos Het 06-02-19g
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{product id=2232}
This 28″ male 2017 corn snake possibly het for Scaleless and Sunglow Motley He is eating frozen/thawed large fuzzy mice. $155.00 plus $39.00 flat-rate domestic to any of the lower-48 United States.
Pos Het 06-01-19g
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{product id=2231}
This 26″ male 2017 corn snake possibly het for Scaleless and Sunglow Motley He is eating frozen/thawed large fuzzy mice. $135.00 plus $39.00 flat-rate domestic to any of the lower-48 United States.
Honey Tessera 05-31-19g
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{product id=2230}
This 26″ male 2017 Honey Tessera (Sunkissed Caramel Tessera) corn is eating frozen/thawed large fuzzy mice. $215.00 plus $39.00 flat-rate domestic to any of the lower-48 United States.
Sunkissed Amel 05-30-19g
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{product id=2229}
This 30″ male 2017 Sunkissed Amel Motley corn is het for Caramel. He is eating frozen/thawed hopper mice. $215.00 plus $39.00 flat-rate domestic to any of the lower-48 United States.